Per its Articles of Incorporation (filed in December 1999), it's purpose is, to engage in innovative economic enterprise that includes housing development. The key aspect of innovation is merging humanistic philosophies of service into practical applications of building and sustaining an evolving community.
Current Focus
Provide professional planning services that will result in the community development of mixed used (residential & commercial) real estate for intergenerational customers.
Income Feasibility
Revenue from the research and planning of this innovative holistic business model includes:
Innovative co-housing development for seniors that includes supportive services for an intergenerational customer base. ​
Innovative commercial development-commercial small business space on the ground floor for community residents, an example is Community Investment Trust (https://investcit.com/)
The commercial development will be outsourced to include a neighborhood pharmacy. This (Mom & Pop) store will provide a variety of alternative health products and services. Referrals of caring health care providers will be disseminated.
Innovative commercial development in a large urban setting looks like a locally owned small business supporting affordable housing. A powerful example is the Swan's Market Project developed by the non-profit Asian Development Group in Oakland, CA https://www.swansway.com/
The market strategy is to partner with Edutainment professionals to produce physical & digital venues that enhance the local economy. The Museums on Main Street (MOMS) project https://museumonmainstreet.org/ a career readiness opportunity to combine the appreciation of nature with storytelling for meaningful entertainment. These businesses will be owned/operated by local entrepreneurs who will produce public media commons events.